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Are You A New Puppy Parent? Here’s What You Need To Know

Are You A New Puppy Parent? Here’s What You Need To Know

dog health

You’ve just brought a new family member to your home, and you couldn’t be more excited! You are now the proud owner of a sweet, little puppy. You’ve never had a puppy before, so you’re a little nervous and feeling sort of lost. This is normal, and we’re here to help!

A puppy can be overwhelming at first, but with some good training and perseverance, your little furball will quickly settle into the daily routines of your home. Puppy training is all part of good dog health and being the perfect dog parent.

The Chaos That Is Puppy Teething

Your puppy is a baby, and just like human babies who teeth and put everything in their mouths, so will your young dog. When puppy teething begins, usually around three months of age, your best line of defense is to have chew toys readily available. Be sure to have a toy in all their typical places around the house to help you to train your pup not to chew on your stuff.

It is imperative that you make sure the chew toys are age-appropriate. All this hard work will be worth it in the end and will encourage good dog health.

Crate Training Is An Excellent Tool For Dog Health & Your Sanity

When crate training your puppy, the main goal is to get your dog to a place where they can be trusted not to destroy your house while you are away. Once that point has been reached, the crate should only be used voluntarily.

One rule of crate training is never to use it as a punishment, or else your puppy will end up fearing the crate. This is not something that you want to have happened.

Never leave your puppies under the age of 6 months old crated for longer than 3 to 4 hours max. Their bladders and bowels cannot handle longer than that.

Think of the crate as your dog’s room. We all enjoy spending time in our room, but we don’t want to be there all day long, and neither does your puppy.

Teaching Your Puppy Basic Commands

It’s best to begin teaching your puppy to obey your commands right away. This is very important for your dog’s health because not obeying their master’s commands can get them hit by a car or put into other dangerous situations.

When teaching your puppy commands, always give them a small reward or, at the very least, loads of affirmation when they obey.

Doggie Daycare & Boarding Can Help Train Your Puppy

Sometimes, you need a little extra help training your puppy, and we at All Star Pet Resort can help you do just that. Boarding and daycare give your puppy a chance to work with professional trainers as well as watch the example of older, well-behaved dogs.

Dog Health Is All Star Pet Resort’s Top Priority

Congratulations on becoming a brand-new puppy owner! We at All Star Pet Resort want to help you train your furry family member. We can do this through our doggy daycare and boarding services. Contact us today for more information. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

All Star Pet Resort
All Star Pet Resort